Legal Notice and cookie Policy
In compliance with the provisions of the Act 34/2002, of July 11, of Information Society and -E-commerce Services, it is brought to the attention of the users of the website (hereinafter the “website”) the following general information data:
The service provider of the information society in the website is the mercantile society GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ AND SONS, S. L. (hereinafter GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ)
GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ is a firm specializing in the manufacture of musical instruments, especially guitars, and its registered office is at Paseo de la Galatea, s/n, Esquivias, 45221, (Toledo).
The tax number of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ is C.I.F. B-45361466.
GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ is registered in the Toledo trade register, Volume 643, File 111, Sheet TO-9181.
Users of this website will be able to establish direct and effective communication with GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ via written communication sent to the address indicated in point 2 of this Legal Notice, as well as by using any of the following means:
Phone: 92552095
– Email: .
(*) The receipt of personal data that is excessive, not updated or incompatible with the activity developed by GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ is not permitted. Please be advised that if your request does not meet these requirements, it will be automatically destroyed.
Sending emails to this address implies that the individual concerned accepts that their data will be treated with the purpose of processing queries made to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ. For this purpose, we inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and/or opposition by letter, including a copy of your ID card or other equivalent identification document, addressed to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODGRIGUEZ AND SONS, SL, (Ref. Data Protection), Paseo de la Galatea, s/n, Esquivias, 45221, (Toledo).
The User is obliged to use the Portal in accordance with the law and the present Legal Notice. The user will respond to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or third parties of any damage caused as a result of a breach of this obligation.
It is expressly forbidden to use the Portal with injurious aims of property or interests towards GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or of third parties or that in any other way overload, harm or damage the networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or products and computer applications (software) belonging to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or third parties.
The User agrees to use the content in accordance with the law and the present Legal Notice, as well as with the other conditions, regulations and instructions that, where applicable, could be applied in accordance with clause 1. For purely expository purposes, the user, in accordance with current legislation, must refrain from:
A) Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, changing or modifying content, except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented to by GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or by the person who holds the rights to use, where applicable.
B) Playing or copying for private use contents that may be considered as software or databases in accordance with existing legislation on intellectual property, as well as their communication to the public or making them available to third parties where these acts necessarily involve playback by the user or a third party.
C) Removing and/or reusing all or a substantial part of the contents of the Portal as well as the databases that GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ makes available to users.
Without prejudice to Clause 4 of the present Legal Notice, as well as the privacy policies accessible from the Portal and that might be applicable at all times, the use of certain services or requests to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ require the prior completion of the corresponding user registration form.
Any information provided by the user via the forms on the Portal to the past effects or any other should be true. For these purposes, the user guarantees the authenticity of all data that is sent and will keep the information provided to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ updated perfectly so that it corresponds, at all times, to the current situation of the user. In all cases, the user will be solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements made and for any resulting damages to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or to third parties due to the information provided.
Any Internet user who wants to enter links from their own web pages to the Portal must comply with the conditions listed below; ignorance of the same does not waive responsibilities arising from the law:
a) The link shall only be linked to the home page or main page of the Portal but may not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copies of texts, graphics, etc.).
(B) In all cases, it is prohibited, in accordance with the applicable legislation in effect at all times, to establish frames or any type of mark that would surround the Portal or allow the display of content via Internet addresses other than those of the Portal and, in all cases, when viewed together with content outside the portal so that: (I) it produces, or may produce, error, confusion or deception to the users over the true origin of the service or content; (II) it may involve an act of unfair comparison or imitation; (III) it may serve to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and the prestige of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ; or (IV) may be prohibited in any other form by the legislation in force.
C) No links will be introduced from the page that leads to any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect information on GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ, its partners, employees, customers or on the quality of the services it provides.
D) In no circumstances is it permitted to express on the page where the link is located that GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that it otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies or oversees the services of the person inserting the link.
E) It is prohibited to use of any name mark, graphics or mixed or any other distinctive sign of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ within the page of the sender except in cases allowed by law or expressly authorized by GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ and if allowed, a direct link to the Portal in the manner set out in this clause
F) The page that establishes a link should comply faithfully with the law and may in no case have or link to its own content or that of third parties that: (I) is illegal, harmful or immoral (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) induces or is likely to induce in the user the misconception that GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ endorses, supports, binds or in any way supports, the ideas, expressions or manifestations, lawful or unlawful of the sender; (III) is inappropriate or not relevant to the activity of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ regarding the place, content and theme of the web page of the sender.
3.1.- All contents included in the Portal and in particular trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, button icons, software or any other signs that could be of industrial and commercial use are protected by intellectual property rights of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or third party holders of the same who have authorized their inclusion in the Portal. Therefore, any use, and/or reproduction of the same is prohibited without the express consent of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ.
3.2.- GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ shall not be liable for the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties that may arise from the inclusion in the Portal of trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons or software belonging to third parties that have declared themselves to be holders of the same when including them in the Portal.
3.3.- Under no circumstances will it be deemed that the access and navigation of the User implies a authorization or waiver, transmission, whole or partial transfer of these rights nor the granting of any right or expectation of law and, in particular, the alteration, processing, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of these contents without the prior express permission of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or of the corresponding owners.
3.4.- It is not permitted to establish any link to the Portal from any other website without the prior express consent of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ.
Links that are established should always lead to the main page of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ or, where applicable, to that which GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ establishes as being the absolute and complete link in a way that takes the user to the site for GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ that should cover completely the entire screen on the main page.
3.5.- GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ is not responsible for the content on the destination web pages that are established through links in the Portal nor of the infringements of the rights of third parties which those pages might incur.
In accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force for the protection of personal data and services of the information society, GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ, informs you that the data provided by you will be included in a file under the responsibility of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ AND SONS, SL, with the objective of being able to provide ease of access and navigation on the site, as well as providing commercial and promotional information, either electronically or by any other means.
You may at any time exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification or to express opposition through written communication to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODGRIGUEZ AND SONS, SL, (Ref. Data Protection), Paseo de la Galatea, s/n, Esquivias, 45221, (Toledo), or to the following email address: .
The user, being aware of the purposes of article 27 of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th (LOPD), expressly accepts that all the data provided may be ceded, for the said purposes, to other entities, civil or commercial, with whom GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ will be able to conclude agreements with the stated aims. The user’s acceptance that their data can be treated and/or ceded in the manner set out in this paragraph is revocable, without retroactive effect.
The User also, for the purposes of articles 33 and 34 of the LOPD, expressly provides consent to their data being transferred to other countries, even when the same does not provide a comparable level of protection to that provided by the act.
During your visit to our website, GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ may use cookies. A cookie is only a text file that some servers ask our browser for to allow them to write on our hard disks, with information about what we’ve been doing on their pages. In this way, for example, if you have already been authenticated on a given website or have already visited a particular page, the information on the cookie offers you a better service.
To delete them, go to Tools, then Internet Options, and in the General tab, under the heading of Temporary Internet Files click on Delete Cookies.
In this sense, we would like to inform you that on our website you may encounter different kinds of cookies:
PHPSESSID Session Cookie. This cookie is used by the PHP encryption language to allow the SESSION variables to be saved on the web server. These cookies are essential for the operation of the web.
cookie_notice_accepted Cookie Cookie Plugin. This cookie informs whether the use of non-functional cookies has been accepted or not.
_ga Analytic Cookie. It is used to distinguish users. Third-party property: Google Analytics
_gat Analytic Cookie. It is used to limit the percentage of requests. Third-party ownership: Google Analytics
_gid Analytic Cookie It is used to distinguish users. Third-party property: Google Analytics
wfvt Wordfence Plugin Cookie. This cookie is generated to control the protection and security of a possible misuse of the web. Duration 1 day.
wordfence_verifiedHuman Wordfence Plugin Cookie. used to offer security when browsing the Web page. Duration 1 day.
_ici_current_language, wpml_referer_url WPML Plugin Cookie. It is used to allow multilingual support on the web, and allow to know the language with which the web is being consulted. Duration 1 day.
Facebook cookie Facebook Facebook conversion tracking pixel his tool allows us to follow the users’ actions after they are redirected to a provider’s website by clicking on a Facebook ad. In this way, we can record the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes. The data collected remain anonymous. This means that we can not see the personal data of any individual user. However, the collected data is saved and processed by Facebook. We are informing you about this matter according to our information at this time. Facebook can connect the data to your Facebook account and use the data for your own advertising purposes, in accordance with the Facebook privacy policy found at Facebook’s conversion tracking also allows Facebook and its partners to show you advertisements inside and outside of Facebook. In addition, a cookie will be stored on your computer for these purposes. By using the website, you accept the data processing associated with the integration of the Facebook pixel.
1P_JAR Google Cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.
CONSENT, DV, NID Cookie from Google Enable the registration function of the origin of the user. The registered data will be, among others, if the user arrives at our website through direct traffic, from another website, from an advertising campaign or from a search engine (indicating the keyword used and the source)
PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC, IDE Cookie Youtube. PREF: a cookie that stores configuration preferences, such as preferred language, number of search results displayed per page or Google SafeSearch filter activation. VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE: a cookie that keeps track of the videos visited that are embedded in the web. YSC: a cookie that measures the reproductions of videos made by the user and records the events of “Like” or “Share video”. It is a session cookie.
__cfduid, _ga, _gid, a, csrftoken. Mixcloud application cookies. Identify the Podcasts used on the web and obtain metrics.
IE-LANG_CODE, IE-LANG_ID, IE-set_country, __utma, __utmc, __utmz, anonymous Id, navi. Cookies of the Ivoox application. Identify the Podcasts used on the web and obtain metrics.
How to manage cookies in Windows
Google Chrome
Click on the Chrome Chrome menu located in the browser’s toolbar.
Select “Settings.”
Click on “Show advanced options …”
In the “Privacy” section, click on the “Content settings …” button.
In the section “Cookies”, you can configure the options indicated below: Delete cookies, block or allow cookies by default, include cookie exceptions of specific domains or websites.
For more details, see the help of Google Chrome.
Mozilla Firefox
At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button and select “Options.”
Select the “Privacy” panel.
In “Firefox you can:” choose “Use a custom configuration for the history”.
Check the option “Accept cookies” to activate them, and uncheck it to deactivate them.
If you do not want to receive cookies from third parties, uncheck “Accept third-party cookies”.
You can check Mozilla’s help for more information
How to manage cookies on Mac
Google Chrome:
1. Click on the Chrome Chrome menu located in the browser’s toolbar.
2. Select “Settings”.
3. Click on “Show advanced options …”
4. In the “Privacy” section, click on the “Content settings …” button.
5. In
The user acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Site and its services are entirely his or her responsibility.
GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ is only liable for the damages that the user can suffer as a result of the use of the portal when such damage is attributable to a fraudulent action of GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ.
However, GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ declares that it has taken all the necessary steps, within its possibilities and the capability of its technology, to guarantee the functioning of the Portal and avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other components that may be harmful to the user.
The User undertakes to use the contents of the portal in a diligent, proper and lawful manner and undertakes to refrain from:
a. Using the contents for purposes or for any purpose contrary to the law, morality and to good conduct or public order.
b. Reproducing, copying, distributing, allowing public access via any form of public communication, transforming or altering the content, unless you have the corresponding authorization of its owner.
c. Using the contents of the portal to send publicity, communications for direct sales purposes or with any other kind of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages directed to multiple people regardless of their purpose, as well as refraining from marketing or disclosing said information by any means.
GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ may send commercial communications by any means with full respect to the current legislation on the protection of personal data.
For commercial communications conducted via email and equivalent means in compliance with the provisions of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Information Society Services and e-commerce, the User’s consent will be requested at the time of collecting the data.
The User can revoke their consent to the receipt of personal communications at any time by simple notification to GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ ( ).
The relationship established between the User and the site owner shall be governed by the provisions of the regulations in force concerning the applicable legislation and jurisdiction. However, for the cases where the regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to local laws, GUITARRAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ and the User, with the explicit waiver to any other jurisdiction that may be applicable, submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.
In all cases, the laws of the Spanish legal system shall apply.