NAMM 2016 photo galery


An international Meeting Point

The 2016 NAMM Show took place in Anaheim Convention Center, Los Angeles (California) from January 21st to January 24th where the global Music Industry community gathered creating the largest show in NAMM’s 115-year history. More than 1700 business and 6000 music brands joined the event.



Manuel Rodriguez in the spotlight

Located at Hall C, booth 4933, our stand has been a meeting place for hundreds of musicians and business men who did not want to miss our new guitars with natural finish.



Our friend Sergio Vallín from Maná

The guitarist of the renowned Mexican band Maná, Sergio Vallín, always takes the opportunity to pass by our booth to greet Manuel and test our new features.



Brit Rodríguez, the soul of the ukelele

Well-known for her impressive and powerful voice, this singer and writer loves Manuel Rodriguez ukeleles. She couldn’t resist to one of our new models!



Daniello De Lauretiis

Daniello De Lauretiis is also part of Manuel Rodriguez´s family. His strength and music made our guitars shine among the others. In the picture, we can see him with Manuel and the young singer of the band Subloco.



The best place to present our new partnership

Our distribution partnership with KMC Music was announced at the show. In the image, Manuel and KMC’s vice-president, Roger Hart, being interviewed and giving the big news.



Behind the scenes

Our trip to the USA was not limited to the NAMM 2016 show. We wanted to take the opportunity to visit some of our American friends! In the picture, the mayor of L.A., Eric Garcetti, posing with his daughter, Manuel and one of our amazing guitars.



Jesse & Joy

This rising pop duo is becoming more and more famous beyond the Mexican borders since their beginnings back in 2006. After the presentation of their newest album, Jesse, guitarist of the duo, came to L.A. to visit our booth and check our new models.


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