MR and huichol art succeed at Starlite 2016

Manuel Rodriguez Guitars did not want to miss the charity event of the year and the chance to make our contribution in the gala fundraising organized by the Spanish actor Antonio Banderas, Starlite. One more year, our handmade guitars helped to collect thousands of euros on Saturday 6th of August in Marbella, Spain.

In collaboration with the Mexican distributor Hermes Music, this time the two guitars auctioned were more special than ever: both of them were decorated with huichol art.

IMG_4655bajaThe huichol is a Mexican native people responsible for this handmade artwork used for this two guitars. Following the steps of their ancestors, these artists fill their works with the bright colors of the little beads they use.

The final result of our guitars has been so spectacular that the very Hollywood producer Irwin Winkler paid 10.000€ for one of them.


Besides those two guitars, MR has donated to the Starlite Foundation a C11 cutaway Maple guitar in which all the celebrities who participated in this edition of Starlite have been signing. The goal is to make our instrument a treasure more unmatched if possible.

The funds obtained from this year gala will be donated to Fundación Lágrimas y favores and to Niños en alegría.

Starlite Foundation is the charity work of the Starlite Festival, in which the main fundraising action is the Starlite Gala, the most important of this kind in Spain.

It is an international philanthropic platform aimed at improving education, health and living conditions of communities, families and children without resources.

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