Travel with your guitar: tips

No matter how you travel your guitar can go with you. It is a must in a dinner with friends, enjoying a sunset on the beach or braking the silence of a camping night in the mountains. However, you should consider taking some steps to not get it damaged on the road.

The first to have in mind is that always will be better to carry the guitar in a good case, isolated and, ideally, with a hygrometer. You can find very affordable humidifier and adapt them to the guitar case.

On the other hand is important to internalize that the worst thing that can happen to a guitar are extreme temperature changes, so it is fundamental to protect it from cold or hot sources. If we travel to a place where the temperature difference is very high, it is recomended that, upon arrival, the guitar remains in its case to acclimate.

Here there are some tips related with the more common forms of transportation:

If you travel by plane… ✈

    • Try to carry your guitar in the cabin (get informed first), so you will avoid hits with other luggage.
    • Try to be one of the firsts going on board, you will assure there will be plenty of room for your guitar case.
    • If you can’t bring it on cabin, the case has to be hard and resistant. It is advisable to loosen up the strings in order to release tension to the neck on eventual pressure changes.
    • Try to insure your guitar with the airline.


If you travel by car… 🚙

    • Put the guitar always in the trunk rather than any other place. If it is too hot, it’s preferable to put it inside the car as long as the air conditioner is on.
    • You should avoid to leave the guitar inside the car if the sun is hitting it directly. High temperatures could damage the woods.
    • You should avoid that the guitar shakes inside the case, so it is advisable to fit it with some clothes.


If you travel by train… 🚅

  • Before you leave the case in the luggage carrier over the seat, check that there is not an air conditioner exit, as the direct cold and dry air can damage the woods.
  • If you leave the case in the lugagge carrier at the beginning of the wagon, try to avoid that somebody else put anything over it. It is also convinient  to check the guitar position from time to time as the train vibration can make it slip.

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