Serrat Sabina and MR

I was barely starting to sound Mediterranean and the representative invited us to enter the artists’ dressing rooms area. We walked up the narrow stairway and found ourselves face to face with singer Dani Martin, former member of Canto del Loco, who would accompany the star of the night a few minutes later. But we were not searching for him, we were looking for the broken voice and the star of ‘500 noches’. We were looking for Joaquin Sabina. Although this was not his night either, he would also be accompanying the star. So what were we doing there? Delivering his new Manuel Rodriguez. It was Monday, September 20th, 2015, we were at the first concert of the Antología Desordenada tour that Joan Manuel Serrat began at the Palacio de los Deportes in Madrid.

For weeks we had prepared two guitars for these two great figures of Spanish music. The Catalan singer was celebrating 50 years on stage with this new global journey and we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with a guitar. But who could separate Serrat from Sabina at these heights? We certainly couldn’t. Much less knowing that our great friend David Palau has been accompanying them both for a long time.

More than an hour after the start of the concert, we were informed that the writer of ‘La del pirate’ would receive us before his act, because he had to leave soon afterwards. So we went to his dressing room moments before he was due to accompany his friend.

Sabina was excited, saying that this is the best gift he’d ever received while holding his new MR made with 40 year-old cypress. Overwhelmed by emotion, he didn’t wait a single minute before starting to play.

But our primary task that Monday was to congratulate Serrat. So after that first concert, which lasted more than two hours and made thousands of people stand up from their seats, we approached the dressing room area again to deliver his guitar. “I think I’ll take it on tour,” said immediately, but soon realised that all the instruments were already registered. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to include one at the last minute.

Both singers ended the night with new instruments and we listened to David Palau as he increased the beauty of his MR guitar by merely touching it.

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