The benefits of music in childhood

Since decades, music is one more subject in the curriculum of most of the schools in the world. There are several studies that talks about the benefits of playing music in children development, especially in their first years. But, what music makes in them and why it is so important to be part of their lives?

Improves brain development

According to music educator Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950)rhythm is a key factor in the formation of balance and nervous system of children. Also, later studies proved that musical education helps to the development of both brain hemispheres. This is one of the reasons why music was included in the curriculum of basic education.

With music as a discipline, an increase of brain capacity is achieved as follows, especially between 6 and 8 years old:

  • Left hemisphere: Rhythmic perception, motor control, singing, musical technical aspects, logic and reasoning aspects and linear perception.
  • Right hemisphere: Musical perception and performance, artistic creativity and fantasy, visual and auditory perception, melodic perception, musical expression and musical appreciation.

In children younger than 5 years old is recomended to treat music as a game to get familiarized with it. After that, studying music is recommended, but without pushing the kids. Music has to be something enjoyable.

Helps to learn other disciplines

Being in touch with music and including it as a game from an early age will help the children to show interest to music instruments themselves after a while. Also, studying music provides other routines which improve study habits in general.

    1. Learning to play an instrument requires daily practice. This method of continuous study does improve the skills of other subjects, because it is incorporated into the routine of other school subjects.
    2. Taking care of the instrument and keep it clean and tuned help children to have responsibility and discipline.
    3. Although daily practice is usually done alone, most of people learn to play instruments in group. This helps to socialize and learn to work on a team.
    4. It improves concentration. Music, both listening and playing, requires concentration, and that constant work makes gradually becoming easier to reach that state in other areas of life.
    5. It is a way to express feelings and emotions, and also provides self confidence.


A guitar for everyone

In Manuel Rodríguez Guitars we have a large variety of instruments and guitars for all levels and needs. C11 model is our proposal for beginners in the guitar world. It can also be manufactured in requinto size specially for children, but regular size is suitable for everyone.

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